


Heritage Day

um país onde se encoraja que todas as comunidades alimentem e preservem o orgulho pelas suas tradições culturais, mesmo sabendo que num passado recente muitos desses hábitos trouxeram grande sofrimento as pessoas, é uma sociedade que muito provavelmente aprendeu que os erros do passado não se resolvem apagando a história... muito pelo contrario, as memórias de sofrimento devem ser preservadas para que a história jamais se repita. 


Heritage Day is one of the newly created South African public holidays. It is a day in which all are encouraged to celebrate their cultural traditions in the wider context of the great diversity of cultures, beliefs, and traditions that make up the nation of South Africa. 
A compromise was reached when it was decided to create a day where all South Africans could observe and celebrate their diverse cultural heritage. In an address marking Heritage Day in 1996, former President Nelson Mandela stated: "When our first democratically-elected government decided to make Heritage Day one of our national days, we did so because we knew that our rich and varied cultural heritage has a profound power to help build our new nation."


num dia especial, uma visita especial.

Heritage Day é um dos feriados mais importantes da Africa do Sul. é nesse dia que o país celebra a sua herança cultural num contexto de grande diversidade, onde todos os grupos são encorajados a celebrar suas tradições culturais num contexto tão grande de diversidade cultural, crenças e tradições que compõem o que é hoje a África do Sul. 

Foi nesse dia de festa que visitei pela primeira vez o Slave Lodge, o lugar onde se encontra a longa história de escravidão desse país, com informação sobre muitos escravos que vieram de diferentes continentes, facto que fez com que a mistura de muitas línguas contribui também com palavras hoje introduzidas no Afrikanse. 


The Slave Lodge is one of the oldest buildings in Cape Town. In 1998 this museum was renamed the Slave Lodge. Under the umbrella theme, from human wrongs to human rights, exhibitions on the lower level of this museum explore the long history of slavery in South Africa. Through our changing, temporary exhibitions we address issues around and raise awareness of human rights.



ontem na conversa com dois amigos voltei a ouvir a expressão Cape Town é um lugar friendly a tudo! famílias, crianças, gays, animais, praticantes de jogging, ciclistas e muitas outras coisas. gosto da expressão e acredito nela apesar das excepções que com certeza existem. 

a zona de Green Point reúne muitas dessas características. o bairro residencial, é um dos lugares que gosto de caminhar sem objectivo concreto, observando as pessoas, os seus hábitos, o movimento do bairro e seus lugares. 

é na Main Road de Green Point no número 103 que fica o Giovanni´s, um deliworld semelhante dos que existem em New York, e ao mesmo tempo parece-se com uma mercearia gourmet de uma pequena vila no interior da italia! o lugar cheira muito bem, talvez pela mistura de tanta coisa boa... pão fresco, salmão, queijos, chouriços, café, tomate fresco, o milho cozido que se mistura com ervilhas, leite, chá ou açúcar castanho, tudo misturado com as vozes das pessoas sentadas ao balcão corrido ou daqueles que pedem deliveries, a simpatia dos funcionários que prepararam as sanduiches sempre com um sorriso, muitas vezes tratando os clientes por dear

o Giovanni´s é dos meus lugares preferidos para uma refeição simples e saudável muito próxima do sabor caseiro, ou apenas para um capuccino bem tirado, ler o jornal ao mesmo tempo que observo aquela mistura de gentes... jovens, adultos, avos, crianças, numa disposição que aparenta uma felicidade permanente. 


Yesterday in conversation with two friends, I heard the expression that Cape Town is a friendly place for everything! Families, children, gays, animals, joggers, cyclists and many other things. I like the expression above and I believe it, although exceptions exist. 

The Green Point area meets many of these features. It is a residential district, and one of the places I like to walk without specific goals, watching people, their habits, the movement of the neighbourhood and its places. 

It is on Main Road in Green Point at number 103, where be Giovanni´s is. It´s a deli world like those that exist in New York, and at the same time seems to be a gourmet grocery store in a small village within Italy! The place smells great, maybe because of the mixing of a lot of good... fresh bread, salmon, cheese, sausages, coffee, fresh tomatoes, baked corn that is mixed with peas, milk, tea or brown sugar, all mixed with the voices of the people sitting at the counter or those who ask for deliveries. The friendliness of the staff who prepare the sandwiches always with a smile, calling they customers "dear"! 

Giovanni´s is of my favourite places for a simple and healthy meal which is very close to a homemade taste, or just for a well made cappuccino, to read the newspaper while I observe the mixture of people... young, adult, grandparents and children.


La Pli I Donn by Cirquons Flex...

é uma performance multidisciplinar que mistura acrobacia, música, textos, vídeos... e gumboots, uma dança criada pelos mineiros negros sul-africanos quando limpavam  as suas botas. 
um espectáculo do Cirquons Flex que na quarta-feira apresentou-se aqui em Cape Town pela Alliance Française.

Written by Virginie Le Flaouter, Vincent Maillot and Christophe Rules 
Interpreted by Vincent Maillot 

You chase the rain. You share your downpours. You rage against umbrellas, raincoast and allweather jackets. 
Your moods, like the changing weather, are but insecurities. 
And the replenishing waters allow you to feel better. 
The water enters and leavers your body. 
“Tell me about the rain, I will tell you who you are” 
Rain is a matter of memory, 
You remember your father, I remember my father. 
You remember your father, I remember my father. 
You come from Brittany, from your rain, your drizzles, your oceano. 
You came all the way here, you “Zorey la moukat”1 
You discovered my island, we discover our island. 
No island belongs to anyone, no river, no ocean. 
And now, on your island, the rain is sweeping up everything. On our island, it sweeps up everything. 
The heavy rain that beats down on our sheet metal roofs – softly, violently – is never forgotten. 
Save the parcels of land. Create small islands of survival. 
Save the parcels of land. Create small islands of survival. 
Your vital rain that quenches the nourishing fields also inundates us, 
You, the woman from Brittany – and all of us – are islanders, with our imaginations, our oceans; at times Atlantic, at times Indian, all iodine, belonging to the same world… 
Stories of travellers; you, the traveller; sea explorers, loving farmers, 
Those who dance for sacrifices and feasts; rainmakers, 
You, the naked nomad woman walking on my island, on our island; you, who sing and call the rain, 
We cut down the rain tree to create a space without clouds, but today our heads are empty, there are no stores. 
Rain of memories that pass through you, that pass through me, that pass through us… 
Do you remembers your father, or when you left for Montreal? 
He remember his mother, I remember my father, I remember the 27th of December 2012. 
I miss my island, we miss the elders, 
Rain of memories and absence, 
But the cyclones, the downpours, the floods are “La pli donn”2, “La pli donn” to us 
We cut the rain tree to make a space without clouds, 
But today our heads are empty, and there are no stores. 

1. Zorey la moukt: A Reunionese-Creole expression, pejoratively designates a European/white person/French person from Metropolitan France. 
2. La pli i donn: Creole expression meaning in French «il pleut à verse» (it is pouring with rain).